List of Essential Oil Uses & Info
Calendula - calendula officinalis
When looking for a herbal remedy to treat skin or wounds, think flower power -- or, more specifically, calendula. Its flowers, and occasionally its leaves, can be used to treat a variety of afflictions in different ways.
Calendula has a long history of use as a wound-healing and skin-soothing botanical. This lovely marigoldlike flower (although called pot marigold, it is not a true marigold) is considered a vulnerary agent, a substance that promotes healing. Calendula also has anti-inflammatory and weak antimicrobial activity. It is most often used topically for lacerations, abrasions, and skin infections; less commonly, it is used internally to heal inflamed and infected mucous membranes.
Uses of Calendula
Numerous topical preparations exist for external use. Calendula salve, for example, is a useful and versatile product to keep in the first-aid kit or home medicine chest. In addition to treating minor cuts and abrasions, the salve is great for chapped lips and diaper rash. You can use calendula teas as a mouthwash for gum and tooth infections, a gargle for sore throats and tonsillitis, and a sitz bath for genital inflammation or hemorrhoids. Or drink the tea to help treat bladder infections or stomach ulcers.
Calendula Preparations and Dosage
Most health food stores carry calendula soaps, oils, lotions, salves, and creams. Herb stores also supply bulk dried flowers, tincture, and calendula succus, which is made by extracting the fresh juice from the leaves and young flowers and preserving it with a bit of alcohol. Calendula succus is popular among naturopathic physicians, who use it during minor surgical procedures (to help heal the incision) and topically on skin wounds and infections. For internal use, take 1 teaspoon, three or more times daily.
Calendula Precautions and Warnings - Do not apply any fat-based ointments, including calendula salve, to wounds that are oozing or weeping; use watery preparations only, such as calendula tea, and allow the area to air dry completely between applications. On recently stitched wounds, wait until stitches have been removed and scabs have formed before applying calendula ointments or other calendula preparations. An exception would be a very brief and light application of calendula succus or tea applied without any rubbing or friction. Calendula should not be taken internally during pregnancy.
Clary Sage - salvia sclarea
Clary Sage oil is an essential oil derived from a steam distillation of the flowering plant. It's described as having a floral smell by some, but more herby by others, and is most often used to support the hormonal system (usually in women).
The typical properties of clary sage essential oil include:
Anticonvulsant . Antifungal . Antiseptic . Antispasmodic . Astringent . Nerve Tonic . Sedative . Soothing . Tonic . Warming
Clary Sage makes a huge impact on women's cycles, great for cramps, heavy periods, hot flashes, hormonal imbalances, and so on.
Also loved for many non-physical uses. It's an oil all about clarity, giving you the ability to see clearly what is muddled, or to look ahead with vision and clarity in the possibilities.
Because Clary Sage oil is an oil for dispelling confusion and illusion, it's often used on the brow and during meditation, contemplation, or creative work. It can help us see possibilities that we struggle to find when we're lost in our own heads or thoughts and need to tap into something deeper, and can bring light to dark places we're struggling to move through. It helps us to open ourselves to intuition and inner wisdom to be guided by a understanding that is both deeper within and further beyond us.
Precautions: Use with caution during pregnancy, especially during first trimester or over abdomen, since clary sage can cause uterine contractions. Not for infants or toddlers. Avoid during or after use of alcohol.
Apply 1-2 drops of clary sage a day to the arches of the feet or over the reproductive organs.
Use 1-2 drops daily on the soles of the feet or over the heart area. Use aromatically by inhaling form the bottle multiple times per day.
Use 1-2 drops daily on the soles of the feet or over the heart area.
Use 1 drop in the palms of your hands, and cup over the nose and mouth. Try this several times a day, especially when working on/through the issue at hand.
Rub 1 drop of clary sage oil over the brow as needed.
Massage into the neck or feet 2-3 times a day.
Cramps (Abdominal/Intestinal/Menstrual)
Apply 1-2 drops of clary sage a day to the arches of the feet or over the reproductive organs.
Rub 1 drop of clary sage over the brow as often as every 1-4 hours during creative work.
Apply 1 drop to the back of the neck or inhale directly from the bottle as often as you'd like (consider every 30 minutes).
Digestion (Weak)
Massage 2-3 drops of clary sage essential oil into the abdomen in a clockwise rotation several times a day or as needed.
Rub 1-2 drops over the brow and/or heart before meditation or periods of relaxation or inner work.
Consider inhaling directly from the bottle or hands, and applying 1-2 drops over the brow and throat.
Dysmenorrhea (Painful Periods)
Apply 1-2 drops of clary sage oil a day to the arches of the feet or over the reproductive organs.
Emotional Stress
Diffuse throughout the room during times of stress, inhale directly from the bottle as needed, or use 1 drop on the sole of each foot 1-3 times a day for ongoing support.
Massage 1-3 drops into the lower abdomen, up to 3x a day.
Consider applying one drop of clary sage essential oil to the base of the neck and one drop to the brow 2-3 times a day.
Estrogen Balance
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.
Consider inhaling directly from the bottle or hands, and applying 1-2 drops over the brow and throat.
Hair (Fragile)
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.
Inhale directly from the bottle for up to 60 seconds. Do this as often as you'd like. Also look into the suggestions for depression above.
Hormonal Balance
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.
Hot Flashes
Apply 1 drop to the back of the neck 1-3 times a day and 1 drop with each hot flash.
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.
Consider applying one drop to or around the infection site or on the soles of the feet.
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.
Apply 2-3 drops to the back of the neck before bed. Also consider massaging it into the feet (especially great for older children and adults).
Lactation (Increase)
Massage 2 drops into each breast, multiple times per day.
Use 1-3 drops of clary sage essential oil on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.
Mood Swings
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily, as well as using it aromatically (straight from the bottle or in the hands) as needed.
Muscle Fatigue
Massage 2-3 drops into the area of concern, going toward the heart.
Parkinson's Disease
Consider applying 2-3 drops to the back of the neck, and also to the soles of the feet.
Use 1-3 drops of clary sage oil on the soles of the feet daily and consistently throughout the month. Inhale from the bottle multiple times a day during your cycle.
Postpartum Depression
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently. Consider inhaling directly from the bottle multiple times a day, or diffusing throughout the room.
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet, back of the neck, or lower abdomen daily and consistently.
Consider applying 2-3 drops to the back of the neck, and also to the soles of the feet.
Clary sage oil is especially good for skin issues that potentially result from hormone imbalances. Follow suggestions for hormone balancing above or consider adding 1-2 drops to your daily skin care.
Inhale directly from the bottle and rub 1-2 drops over the brow as needed.
Vision (Spiritual/Mental)
Inhale clary sage directly from the bottle or after rubbing into palms and rub 1-2 drops over the brow as needed.
Fennel - foeniculum vulgare
Fennel essential oil is known to be a potent and powerful aid for digestive health. It's strong licorice flavor and aroma is gained from the steam distillation from the crushed seeds of the plant. Its use traces back centuries for its emotional and physical benefits.
The properties within a quality brand of fennel oil include:
Antiparasitic . Antiseptic . Antispasmodic . Antitoxic . Diuretic . Expectorant
Although it's traditionally used for supporting the digestive system, it may also help the urinary, hormonal, and sympathetic nervous systems through its various chemical compounds and properties.
Emotionally and spiritually, fennel is said to support a person's responsibility (or confidence in their ability to respond). This means it might help a person struggling with self-doubt, low self-esteem, lack of motivation, accountability, or stubbornness, and help them live in alignment with their values and integrity. Historically, it was even used to bestow strength and courage to warriors, and may support stamina and longevity by strengthening the solar plexus.
Precautions: Dilute for children and sensitive skin. Avoid if you have a history of epilepsy. Use with caution during pregnancy. Repeated use can cause skin sensitization. Always test for skin sensitivity prior to widespread use. Keep out of eyes, ears, or nose.
Blood Clots
With your doctor's support, consider using fennel oil topically, internally, or aromatically using the many ideas listed below.
Gently massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern, diluting as needed.
Inhale from the bottle or diffuse throughout the room as desired. Massage into solar plexus.
Add 1-2 drops to water or food daily, or massage over the area of concern or reflex points of the feet.
Digestion (Slow/Sluggish)
Follow the instructions below for Digestive Support or add 1 drop to water, food, or an empty veggie capsule.
Digestive Support
Dilute 1 drop of fennel essential oil with 3 drops carrier oil and massage in a clockwise rotation over the abdomen.
Consider using daily or with meals, 1-2 drops internally as needed.
Add 1-2 drops to water daily or take in an empty veggie capsule. Also consider a digestive blend.
Hormonal Balancing
Consider massaging 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet, or inhaling the aroma from the bottle daily.
Massage 1 drop over the solar plexus and then inhale from the palm of the hand. Also consider diffusing regularly.
Kidney Stones
Massage 1-2 drops (diluted for sensitive skin) over the area of concern 1-2 times a day or as desired.
Lactation, Increasing
Dilute as recommended and apply 1-2 drops over the breasts. Do not use for more than 10 days, and avoid peppermint as it may slow milk production.
Liver Support
Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern or massage into the reflex points of the feet. Consider taking internally once a day.
Menstrual Cramps
Dilute as recommended and massage over the area of concern.
Diffuse throughout times of stress and overwhelm or add a drop to the shirt collar or car vent.
Inhale from the bottle. If possible, add a drop to water, mix well and sip slowly.
Place a drop in your hands and cup over the nose and mouth, or inhale from the bottle.
Pancreatic Support
Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern or into the reflex points of the feet.
Parasites, Intestinal
Take 1-2 drops with water each day. Also consider a digestive cleanse or use Oregano or Thyme.
Dilute fennel essential oil and ppply topically into the soles of the feet or over the lower abdomen or areas of concern before and during cycle.
Prostate Support
Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern or into the reflex points of the feet as desired.
Prostatic Hyperplasia, Benign
Dilute as recommended and massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet daily. Consider taking with food as well.
Place 1-2 drops on a cotton ball to stick in car, home, or office vents. Diffuse as desired or add a drop to your shirt collar.
Skin Revitalization
Add up to 1 drop of fennel essential oil to your cleaning or moisturizing regime.
Stomach Cramps
Dilute as recommended and massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet and lower stomach and back.
Place 1 drop on your hands, cup over the nose and mouth, and breathe deeply as desired.
Urinary Stones
Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern or into the reflex points of the feet. Consider taking 1-2 drops internally with food.
Add up to 1 drop of fennel essential oil to your cleaning or moisturizing regime.
Grapefruit - citrus paradisi
Grapefruit essential oil, a lesser known but very potent and therapeutic oil, is created by cold-pressing the rind to extract the oil. There's a reason grapefruit was a long-time weight loss fad. The oils in this fruit are incredibly beneficial in many ways.
The properties within a quality brand of this oil include:
Antidepressant . Antiseptic . Disinfectant . Diuretic . Stimulant . Tonic
These properties together have a huge appeal to anyone working to lose weight. This oil has been reported to increased your energy levels with its uplifting scent, giving you more energy and stamina and helping you increase your activity levels. It cleanses the system from the inside-out, perfect for anyone with a sluggish digestive system or a slow metabolism. And it increases your overall system, helping to return your body to its optimal health.
In addition to the physical support grapefruit offers, the emotional and spiritual support of this oil coincide beautifully. The aromatic effects include support of one's own sense of self-love and approval, especially in regards to loving and honoring our bodies. It can help a person hold their body in gratitude for all it does, treat it with honor and care, and therefore encourage healthy habits out of a sense of love, instead of self-hatred.
Likewise, as with all citrus oils, it has an uplifting aroma which may help with anxiety, bad moods, or stress, all of which impact our hormones and thus our weight. But it does so from a place of integrity and confidence, not self-loathing a belief we are not good enough as we are.
Precautions: As with all citrus essential oils, avoid contact with direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after use. Essential oils can cause skin irritation in some people, especially children or elderly. Is said to NOT interfere with prescription drugs (particularly statin drugs) that interact poorly with the fruit or juice of grapefruit, but it's still advised to consult with or notify your doctor.
Grapefruit aroma is said to help curve drug and food cravings and uplift the system. Try apply 1-2 drop topically over the stomach or back of the neck, or inhale from the bottle for an aromatic effect.
Said to help with feelings of self-approval and uplifting the mood, it also can increase a depressed appetite when used aromatically.
Appetite Suppression
Many lovers of grapefruit essential oil note that it curbs cravings and emotional eating or binge eating when used aromatically.
Said to help with feelings of self-approval and uplifting the mood, it also can increase a depressed appetite when used aromatically.
Cardiovascular Support
Add a drop to your lotion in the evening and massaging toward the heart.
Mix 1-2 drops with coconut oil and massage into the body in a kneading pattern every evening.
Stimulate the digestive system by adding a drop to water, or massaging over the abdomen.
Dry Throat
Add 1-2 drops in a cup of warm water and gargle, swallowing after. Use your own judgment on how frequently to try this. You might also consider adding a drop to a teaspoon of coconut oil and swishing it through the mouth, gargling, then swallowing or spitting out.
Increase your energy levels naturally by diffusing the oil or applying a drop over your chest.
Mix 1-2 drops of grapefruit essential oil with coconut oil and massage gently over the area and toward the heart. Repeat 2-3 times a day. Also considering taking several drops in water to stimulate the body's expulsion process.
Gallbladder Stones
Massage 1-2 drops directly over the area of concern, or into the soles of the feet. Consider also using DigestZen and Peppermint to support the digestive system.
Diffuse this oil or inhale from the bottle directly. It has a surprising effect on a hangover. Also ad 1-2 drop to every glass of water and be sure to double or triple your water intake for the next 2-3 days.
Jet Lag
Use grapefruit while traveling to help elevate your energy levels. Add it to your water bottles or inhale from the bottle.
Kidney Support
Help the urinary system by massaging the oil over your lower abdomen and back and adding to your water or smoothies.
Liver Disorders
Help the body cleanse by adding grapefruit essential oil to your water or smoothies and massaging directly over the liver.
Lymphatic Decongestant/Cleansing
Add a drop to your lotion and massage into the skin, starting at your hands and feet and moving massaging the heart.
Mental Stress
Diffuse throughout the room or rub through your hair to uplift the mind and create clarity and confidence. You can also use topically in lotion, a bath, or over your heart center or solar plexus.
Migraine Headaches
Especially good for migraines that come about from stress, try applying this oil topically or using in any aromatic way that isn't overpowering to the senses.
Exposure to grapefruit essential oil has been shown to decrease the appetite and help you lose weight. Use it aromatically throughout the day, especially during times of stress, and add several drops to each glass of water (this not only acts as a supplement, it flavors your water making you more likely to drink enough during the day).
Decrease binge eating and cravings by diffusing the oil as needed, inhaling directly from the bottle, or using as a perfume.
Performance Stress
Add to bath water, drop several drops in your water, diffuse, or massage over the solar plexus to balance the sense of self.
Add to a bath, place on the shirt collar or wrist as a perfume, or massage over the lower abdomen and solar plexus, as well as the soles of the feet to balance hormones.
Skin Cancer
Studies have shown a decrease in skin cancer with the consumption of grapefruit peels (where the oils are found). Add to your water daily, and consider massaging into the skin every evening, or over areas of high sun exposure (avoid direct sunlight afterwards though as this will ironically make your skin more photosensitive).
Diffuse this one during times of stress, add a drop to a cotton ball and leave in the car vent, and massage into the chest.
Sugar Cravings
Inhale grapefruit essential oil from the bottle whenever you're craving sugar, and considering taking as a dietary supplement 1-3 times a day by adding it to your water.
Eleviate the symptoms of withdraw by diffusing grapefruit essential oil or using it topically over the throat and neck.
Jasmine - jasminum gradiflora
Jasmine essential oil is a pricey and more rare oil to find. Most brands will sell their jasmine highly diluted in alcohol or carrier oil. In fact, if you find it for sale cheaply it's a pretty fair bet it's been highly diluted.
It has a sweet aroma (almost sickly sweet to some noses), very floral and stronger than the flowering plant itself. It's most commonly created by an "absolute extraction" of the flowers, a method of using a grain alcohol or hexane to extract the oils. This method is commonly used when the process of steam distillation would damage the oils. After processing, the hexane is removed or the grain alcohol is allowed to evaporate and you're left with only the oil itself.
This actually makes the term "essential oil" a misnomer when speaking of jasmine. The technical term would be "jasmine absolute", but for purposes of this article, I'm using the two terms inter-changeably.
The properties within a quality brand of this oil include:
Anticatarrhal . Antidepressant . Antispasmodic
Historically, jasmine has been used as a perfume and continues to be commonly applied in this way. However, it also has a positive and balancing effect on the hormonal system and the emotions. It may help a person open or move from their heart center, can be calming to a stressful or worried state of mind, and connect a person to their intuition, spiritual practice, and inner wisdom. In this way it may support a person's relationship with themselves and others.
Precautions: Although many high-quality brands may be "generally recognized as safe" for internal use by the FDA (21CFR182.20), I personally would NOT recommend using Jasmine Absolute internally in case of a sensitivity to any minute traces of the extracting solvent left behind. Always test for skin sensitivity prior to widespread use. Keep out of eyes, ears, or nose.
Diffuse several drops of jasmine essential oil throughout the room as desired.
Apply less than one drop to the wrists and back of neck.
Inhale from the bottle, or massage one drop into the back of the neck or over the forehead.
Massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet or over the lower abdomen.
Apply a small amount to the wrists or over the heart center.
Apply one drop over the throat and chest. Inhale from the bottle.
Massage 1 drop of jasmine essential oil over the forehead and back of the neck 1-2 times a day.
Dilute 1 drop with several drops of carrier oil and apply a small amount topically to the area of concern.
Emotional Balance
Place a dab of jasmine absolute in the hands, rub together, rub over the nose and mouth and inhale deeply.
Massage 1 drop oil over the forehead and back of the neck 1-2 times a day.
Hoarse Voice
Massage a small amount over the front of the neck.
Place a dab of jasmine absolute in the hands, rub together, rub over the nose and mouth and inhale deeply.
Massage 1 drop or less into the back fo the neck or soles of the feet to help calm the nervous system.
Apply a small amount over the forehead, back of the neck, or heart center.
Massage 1 drop of jasmine absolute over the heart center as desired.
Menstrual Support
Massage 1-2 drops of jasmine essential oil over the lower abdomen to relieve cramps, or support hormonal balance.
Add a couple drops to a steam tent, or massage over the area of concern.
Muscles Spasms
Dilute with a carrier oil and massage into the area of concern to help calm the muscles.
Place a dab of jasmine essential oil in the hands, rub together, rub over the nose and mouth and inhale deeply.
Dab a small amount on the wrists, neck, or over the heart as desired.
Pink Eye
Never put any oils in the eye. Instead carefully massage a small amount jasmine around the eye, or play it safe by massaging into the reflex points of the feet.
Dilute your jasmine essential oil/absolute with a carrier oil and apply topically over the area.
Add 1-2 drops toa bath, diffuse through a room, or massage into tense muscles.
Respiratory Congestion/Support
Massage 1 drop into the chest and throat as desired.
Sensitive Skin
Apply a small amount of diluted jasmine absolute over irritated skin.
Skin Issues
Dilute as needed and apply a small amount over the area of concern.
Place a dab of jasmine essential oil in the hands, rub together, rub over the nose and mouth and inhale deeply.
Massage a small amount over the forehead to calm the mind and nervous system.
Lavender - lavandula angustifolia
Pure Lavender oil is an incredible essential oil to use for your own health and wellness. It's among the gentlest of essential oils, but also one of the most powerful, making it a favorite of households for the healing properties and uses of lavender essential oil.
The properties within a quality brand of lavender oil include:
Analgesic . Anticoagulant . Anticonvulsant . Antidepressant . Antifungal . Antihistamine . Anti-infectious . Anti-inflammatory . Antimicrobial . Antimutagenic . Antiseptic . Antispasmodic . Antitoxic . Antitumor . Cardiotonic . Regenerative . Sedative
Truly pure oil will have a sweet floral smell first, with only a slight woody, herbaceous undertone. Other than the numerous physical effects it has (below) it promotes well-being, peace, compassion, grounding and centering and spiritual consciousness.
Lavender is said to be the oil of honest communication and expression. It calms a racing mind, allowing a person to settle into their heart and speak with gentleness and kindness. It also eases anxiety or fear, including fears of rejection, and allows a person to feel present, calm, and engaged in healthy ways. It increases a sense of security and peace, and in this way helps to build trust in one's self and others.
Because of lenient industry standards and a lack of regulation on terms such as "natural" or "pure", much of what you find at the drug store is not a therapeutic grade of essential oil and may actually make you sick. In fact, only about 50% of it needs to be actual essential oils to be called "pure"!
Agitation or Anxiety
Apply topically by itself or in a carrier oil to the chest, soles of the feet or top of the head to calm agitation or anxiety. Or use aromatically by adding it to a bath.
Use topically alone or in a carrier oil on allergic skin reactions or apply to the chest or soles of feet for seasonal allergy support. You can also diffuse or inhale for more systemic support.
Appetite (Increase)
Appetite loss due to stress, depression or illness may be increased by using it aromatically.
Uses for lavender essential oil include aromatically or topically to the chest support a steady heartbeat.
Use aromatically to support heart health.
Blisters and Boils
Apply topically (with or without a carrier oil, depending on skin sensitivity) directly to the site.
Massage topically (with or without a carrier oil, depending on skin sensitivity) to soothe tenderness, swelling, engorgement, etc.
Bug Bites
Apply topically (with or without a carrier oil, depending on skin sensitivity) directly to the site.
Bug Repellant
Apply topically to the body help repel gnats, mosquitos and midges.
Pure lavender oil has long been used for healing burns. Apply directly to the site, or use in a very light, non-greasy carrier such as aloe, immediately and every few hours while healing
Whether you're stressed, overwhelmed, angry or otherwise, lavender oil can be used aromatically or topically to calm nerves and emotions.
Apply topically (with or without a carrier oil, depending on your skin sensitivity) directly over the site. Also use aromatically to promote well-being.
Chicken Pox
Used topically over the pox pure lavender oil can help soothe itchy skin and promote faster recovery this viral infection.
Cold Sores
Dilute 1 drop of lavender to 10-15 drops of coconut oil and apply directly to the cold sore.
Concentration (Distraction)
Lavender can help you to feel more grounded and focused, helping you concentrate and think clearly when used aromatically throughout the room or home, or just on your body.
Use topically to help soothe the nervous system and support balance in the body.
Crying (Uncontrollable)
Uses of lavender essential oil for its calming and soothing effects can help balance overwhelming emotions in healthy ways.
Apply lavender topically to aid in healing and prevent infection.
Apply topically for its antifungal properties (dandruff is often caused by a fungal/yeast infection) and to soothe dry, irritated skin and balance pH levels on the skin
Depression (including Postpartum)
Apply topically, diffuse in the air (or inhale directly), or take internally as described above.
Use with a carrier oil and massage toward the heart to increase the lymphatic system.
Diabetic Sores
Can assist in preventing gangrene and other infections with is anti-everything properties when used topically.
Diaper Rash
I recommend testing for sensitivity first on a less tender area of the body. Dilute 10 drops of lavender oil to 1 TB carrier oil. More or less can be tested carefully.
Apply topically to the reflex points for the urinary system, over the lower abdomen and on the soles of the feet.
Dry Lips
Dilute 1-2 drops in 1 tsp of coconut oil and apply to the lips as needed.
Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Pain)
Apply directly to the lower abdomen, over the reflex points of the feet (heels and ankles) as needed.
Uses of lavender essential oil topically will promote relaxation and restfulness, as well as grounding and balance.
Can be applied topically to assist the body in fighting infection and increase immune response.
Apply topically to the area of concern to help increase immune response and tissue health.
Can be taken internally as described above, or applied topically to the entire abdomen in a clockwise motion.
Use pure lavender oil topically over the small intestines or take internally to fight parasites.
Apply topically or use aromatically to assist the grief process and provide a centering, grounding effect on the spirit.
Hair (Dry, Fragile, or Loss)
Use topically on your hair, either added in your shampoo, or add approx. 15-20 drops to 10 oz purified water to soak follicles and scalp.
Hay Fever
Apply topically to the skin (chest or reflex points) to be absorbed into the body, calming the nervous system and increasing the immune response.
Herpes Simplex
Pure lavender oil and its antiviral properties may heal outbreaks when used topically.
Diffuse in the air or apply topically to the chest or reflex points of the hands or feet for a calming, grounding effect.
Uses of lavender essential oil include applying topically to impetigo sites to fight infection, soothe skin irritation and aid in healing.
Use topically to soothe inflamed cells, fight infection and promote a faster immune response to healing.
Whether mild or sever, lavender oil increases relaxation response of the nervous system when used topically or aromatically. You can also place 1-2 drops on your pillow.
Whether from an allergic reaction, a big bite or an unknown cause, using lavender topically can help soothe the nervous system.
Jet Lag
Used topically, it can assist in a grounding feeling and promote deep relaxation.
Dilute 4 drops of oil in 1 tsp of carrier oil and massage gently into breast tissue.
Apply topically over the lower abdomen, chest and soles of feet or diffuse aromatically to assist in balancing hormones.
Mental Stress
Diffuse in the air or apply to the reflex points of the feet (toes and beneath), to the chest and the top of the head.
Misc. When in doubt, try lavender!
Mood Swings
Diffuse pure lavender oil in the air or inhale directly for at least 30 seconds as needed.
Massage several drops into the areas of pain gently. Gentle massage also has the benefit of overriding pain signals to the brain.
Physical Stress
Whether physical exhaustion, overuse, strain or otherwise, gently massage several drops of lavender into the areas of concern.
Poison Ivy/Oak
Apply topically with or without a carrier oil as recommended for your skin type, and as needed while healing to decrease itching and prevent infection.
Use topically as needed to prevent infection, decrease itching, increasing soothing and relaxation and assist the body's healing response.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Massage into the areas of pain, as needed.
Apply pure lavender oil to the site several times a day until the ringworm clears.
Can be used aromatically or topically as a natural sedative.
Apply topically to the chest and reflex points on the bottom of feet to help calm the systems of the body.
Skin (Dry, Sensitive, Eczema, Psoriasis, etc)
For severe areas, apply 1 drop or pure lavender oil directly to the skin. Dilute as needed depending on severity and sensitivity.
Stress/Tension (General)
Diffuse in the air, inhale directly or apply topically to the chest or reflex points of the feet.
Stretch Marks
May help prevent stretch marks, as well as decrease appearance of existing stretch marks. Massage into the skin as desired.
Combine 1-3 drops pure lavender oil with each teaspoon of pure aloe vera and massage into the affected areas. (We usually see incredibly fast results from this combination!)
Use aromatically and apply to the reflex points of the feet and across chest to promote heartbeat regularity.
Teeth Grinding
Uses of lavender essential oil include topically across jaw to relax the muscles and promote tension release.
Teething Pain
Apply 1-2 drops to a teaspoon of carrier oil and apply to the gums. You can also add a couple drops of lavender to a cup of water, wet a washcloth with the solution, freeze and allow the little one to gnaw on the frozen cloth.
Pure lavender oil can help fight the fungus that causes thrush when applied topically.
Apply directly to the site to fight infection, prevent Lyme disease and promote healing.
Ulcers (Legs or Varicose)
Apply topically to the site to prevent infection and promote healing.
Use lavender aromatically or topically to help ground and balance.
Apply pure lavender oil topically or take internally as indicated.
Wounds (General)
Apply topically as indicated to prevent infections and increase healing.
Massage gently into skin as indicated, avoiding contact with eyes. (You can use around eyes, but be careful not to get it IN the eye.)
Other possible uses of lavender essential oil include: Healing from abuse, hernia, post-labor, other sleep issues, withdrawal, aphrodisiac, acne, cramps, indigestion, lowering blood pressure, abscess, nausea, PMS, scarring, water retention, bruises, balance/centering/grounding, bronchitis, earaches, fainting or dizziness, headaches, high blood pressure, hives, flu, laryngitis, mucus, respiratory function, sunstroke, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, whooping cough and cough in general (by gargling a few drops of pure lavender oil in purified water).
Basically, pure lavender oil is so universal in its properties and uses that when in doubt, choose lavender.
Neroli - Citrus Aurantium
This is one of the most popular essential oils, as it not only has great therapeutic properties, but also has the most incredible smell. It has a greatly relaxing effect on the body and mind, relieving muscle spasms, calming heart palpitations and has a wonderful rejuvenating and regenerative effect on the skin, helping to prevent ugly scarring and fighting stretch marks.
Neroli oil has a sweet, floral and slightly haunting aroma, the color is pale yellow and the viscosity is watery.
Care must be taken when buying neroli oil, as many suppliers adulterate the oil to increase their profits, as it is a strong smelling oil and even when diluted still has the most incredible smell.
It is also known as 'orange blossom' and it takes about 1000 lbs. of orange blossoms to make 1 lb. of Neroli oil. The name is said to have originated from the Italian princess, Anne-Marie de la Tremoille (Countess of Nerola) who used the oil as a perfume and to scent her bathwater and gloves. It is still an ingredient for making traditional smelling eau-de-cologne.
Orange petals are often associated with marriage, purity and brides, as brides traditionally wore orange buds in their hair.
Roman Chamomilla - anthems nobilis
Roman chamomile essential oil has been used throughout history for multiple uses (outlined below). Ancient Romans used the oil for mental clarity and courage during war. And it's said to be nicknamed the "plant's physician", because it supposedly benefitted any nearby plants as well.
The properties of this oil include:
Anti-infectious . Anti-inflammatory . Anti-parasitic . Calming . Relaxing
Chamomile of most varieties have been used for centuries to calm and prepare you for a restful sleep, making it a popular oil (or tea) to use before bed.
Spiritually, it's also said to support a person who is seeking their purpose or struggling with feeling of purposelessness. It can help one to overcome discouragement, disappointment, or hopelessness, and find clarity and focus on the things that bring meaning to their lives and the lives of others. It's thought to soften one's Ego in order to tune into their own intuitive center for inner guidance, in order to hear one's wisdom speaking louder than one's own fears or unhelpful patterns.
Emotionally, it brings about a sense of calm and peacefulness, which can often be closely related to a person's ability to lean into trust, release any need to create drama, and promote serenity in all areas of life.
Precaution: Dilute and use with caution on children or anyone with sensitive skin.
Diffuse through the home before allergy season begins and throughout. Use on the bottom of the feet, and inhale directly when allergies flare up.
Bee/Hornet Stings
Apply a single drop topically to the area, or dilute with coconut oil and massage into the area.
May soothe the area and promote healing when gently massaged around the bruise.
Inhale directly or through steam (such as a bowl of hot water). Massage into the reflex points of the feet.
Roman chamomile is generally gentle enough for children and even infants. Dilution may be needed, or limit use to aromatic only. Can help calm, ease aches and pains (including ear or stomachaches), fight fevers, soothe colic, and possibly even help with toothaches.
Club Feet
Massage into the reflex points of the feet to reduce pain and inflammation.
Cuts, scrapes, etc
May reduce inflammation and promote healing. Add to the bath water, dilute and massage over the area, or use a hot or cold compress.
The earthy aroma can be very grounding to our emotions. Diffuse in the area, inhale directly, or add a drop to your pillowcase or bath water.
Roman Chamomile is thought by many to support healthy liver function. Massage directly over the liver or into the reflex points of the feet.
Massage into the reflex points of the feet and into the abdomen to reduce inflammation and stomach pain.
Use aromatically or topically on the soles of feet daily for a calming, centering affect on the mind and body.
Use aromatically, topically or even add a drop to your chamomile tea for a more potent way to bring about rest.
Add a few drops to your bath water, or shirt collar. Massage a drop across the back of the neck.
May help calm the endocrine system when used topically. Massage into feet daily, or rub a drop on the back of the neck.
Muscle Spasms, Cramps, Tension, etc
Massage into the area with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil.
Nerve pain, inflammation or fatigue
Use during a full body massage, or along the muscle groups affected by the nervous system. Rub into the base of the head and across the reflex points of the feet.
May help in treatment of parasites by massaging into abdominal area for fastest absorption into the blood stream, or massages into the reflex points of the feet. Can also be taken internally, such as added to a tea or even in capsules.
Roman chamomile essential oil is very soothing to irritated skin. Add 3-4 drops into a teaspoon of carrier oil and massage into the area 1-2 times a day.
Restless legs
Massage into the legs and feet to soothe the nervous and muscular systems.
The anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties of roman chamomile essential oil aids in soothing the sciatic nerve. Massage into the low back and hips and down the leg of concern, as well as into the reflex points of the feet and hands.
The oil can help calm and balance the mental and emotional processes. Use aromatically or topically as you see fit.
Skin (dry, acne, boils, dermatitis, eczema)
Add roman chamomile essential oil to your lotion, or use a very small amount of essential oil mixed with coconut oil for skin care.
Whether it's physical soothing of the body, including skin, or emotional and mental soothing, use the oil aromatically or topically as you see fit.
Stress, Anxiety, etc
Can have a very soothing, calming, and comforting affect when used aromatically or topically according to preference.
Rose - rosa damascena
True, unadulterated, and pure rose essential oil is hard to find. In almost all cases you will find a highly diluted oil, usually no more than 5% rose oil in a base of oil (or even alcohol). This is because of the high cost of extracting rose, an oil extraction through the steam distillation of its petals. (Did you know it takes 12,000 petals to produce one single 5ml bottle of rose oil??) Despite these obstacles it's still a highly coveted and much loved oil, both for it's aroma and its benefits.
The properties within a quality brand of this oil include:
Antihemorrhagic . Anti-infectious . Aphrodisiac . Sedative . And more being found
Rose has traditionally is most commonly used for emotional balance and skin health, however throughout history rose oil uses have ranged from anything digestive to menstrual, including infections, heart health, and more.
Emotionally and energetically, rose oil benefits the heart as well. It's said to have the highest vibrational frequency of any other oil, and opens ones heart and soul to love and spiritual connection. In this way it may help a person dealing with fear, stress, or hard-heartedness, and even help to heal relationships with one's self and others.
NOTE: The aroma is very strong, and a quality brand will be very potent. Even though it's safe to use undiluted (neat), if your rose essential oil is not diluted you may choose to do so to stretch it further. As little as 1 drop in several tablespoon still imparts a strong aroma; a minimum ratio is generally 1:3 rose to carrier oil.
Precautions: Use with caution during pregnancy. Dilute for children. Always test for skin sensitivity prior to widespread use. Keep out of eyes, ears, or nose.
Dilute to your liking and massage a drop over the heart center daily or as desired.
Add 1-2 drops to a diffuser to fill a room, place in a pendant to carry with you, or inhale from the palm of your hands.
Dilute to your preference and massage over solar plexus, heart, and reflex points of the feet.
Consider adding several drops of rose essential oil to a small spritz bottle to spray pillows, clothing, etc.
Colon Cancer
One study found that rose oil uses may include decreasing the cell proliferation of cancer cells.
Rose oils benefits the limbic system when used aromatically. Consider massaging a small amount over the heart daily.
Digestive Support
Dilute a drop or less with several drops of a carrier oil and massage over the abdomen in a clockwise rotation.
Hair Health
Add 1-3 drops to your shampoo bottle or homemade shampoo and wash normally.
Massage a small amount of rose oil over the heart center (chest) and the reflex points of the feet each morning.
Massage into the area of tension or pain for soothing. Also consider a blend for headaches
Obviously seek medical attention first. To support the body, massage 1 drop of diluted rose essential oil into the reflex points of the feet or hands.
Consider adding several drops of rose essential oil to a small spritz bottle to spray pillows, clothing, etc.
Love (Open To)
Rose oils benefits the limbic system when used aromatically. Consider massaging a small amount over the heart daily, inhaling from the hands afterward.
Consider adding several drops of rose essential oil to a small spritz bottle to spray pillows, clothing, etc.
Menstrual Support
Massage a small amount into the lower abdomen, over the back of the neck, and into the reflex points of the feet and hands daily.
Nervous System Support
Diffuse as desired, inhale from cupped hands, or massage a diluted drop (or less) into the reflex points of the feet daily.
Rose oils benefits the limbic system when used aromatically. Consider massaging a small amount over the heart daily, inhaling from the hands afterward
Poison Ivy/Oak
Mis one drop of rose essential oil with one drop of lavender to 1-2 TB of carrier oil and apply to the area. Consider adding peppermint to help relieve any itching or burning.
Postpartum Depression
Rose oils benefits the limbic system when used aromatically. Consider massaging a small amount over the heart daily, inhaling from the hands afterward, or diffusing as desired.
Add one drop of rose oil to 1-2 TB of carrier oil and apply topically the area as desired. (Consider the suggestions above for poison ivy.)
Apply a small amount (diluted if desired) to the area of concern, such as a healing wound, 1-2 times a day. Consider creating a blend with helichrysum essential oil as well.
According to some studies, rose oil may support a person who suffers from seizures. Consider applying daily to the brain stem.
Skin Disease
Follow the recommendations below for Skin Health, customizing for your particular scenario.
Skin, Dry
Dilute 1 drop of rose essential oil in 1-2 teaspoons raw coconut oil and apply 1 drop nightly.
Skin Health
Use rose oil topically as indicated. Dilute as desire or as necessary.
Diffuse as desired, inhale from cupped hands, or massage a diluted drop (or less) into the reflex points of the feet daily.
Place a small amount of diluted rose essential oil in the palm of the hands and breathe deeply for 30 seconds or more.
Dilute 1 drop in 1 TB of coconut oil and apply topically as desired.
Dilute one drop and apply topically over the area of concern or into the reflex points of the feet.
Withdrawal, Drugs
According to some studies, rose oil benefits have been shown to support the withdrawal process of strong drugs, such as morphine.
Follow the suggestions above for Ulcers.
Dilute 1 drop per 1-2 teaspoons of raw coconut oil, and apply 1-2 drops of the mixture to your skin each night before bed.
Ylang Ylang - cananga odorata
Ylang ylang essential oil is one of my favorite oils. Although it's often only thought of as only a nice-smelling oil, the physcial and empotional support ylang ylang can offer is much more than just a room deodorizer.
Ylang ylang oil is said to work with the cardiovascular system, endocrine and hormones, as well as supporting emotional and spiritual balance.
The properties include:
Antidepressant . Antiseptic . Antispasmodic . Sedative . Tonic
Many of these properties and the potential uses for ylang ylang are those that closely link the body to the emotions or the mind, showing very clearly the min-body connection and how Nature can help our body find balance as a whole.
On a strictly emotional and spiritual level, ylang ylang essential oil is truly the oil of the heart. It can help us connect to our own heart, process things from the heart, and heal emotional traumas. It's also thought to be the oil of the inner child, helpig us connect to our own sense of inner joy and being in the moment, as children so easily do. This allows us to play, release bottled up emotions, and move back into our sense of trust in the process of Life.
It helps us get out of our heads and into our hearts.
The aroma of ylang ylang is very sweet and floral, but almost heavy or intoxicating. Historically, it's said the original wild flower actually had no aroma at all.
Precautions: Always test for skin sensitivity prior to widespread use. Keep out of eyes, ears, or nose.
Place one drop in the palm of your hand and cup over the nose and mouth. Also consider diffusing in the room.
Diffuse in the room, inhale from the bottle, add a drop to your lotion, or even apply to the shirt collar.
Use 1 drop of ylang ylang essential oil in a massage, or diffuse in the room. Can also be used as a perfume.
Massage a single drop daily over the heart. Start out with once a day and increase as needed.
Massage into the shoulders or back, apply to the feet, or use aromatically to promote peace.
Dilute one drop in a teaspoon of carrier oil and massage into the baby's feet. Also consider diffusing throughout the day and night.
Apply one drop over the heart before confrontations, conversations, or meditation to open the heart center.
Ylang ylang essential oil can help to release stuck emotions by opening the heart center. Apply to the heart or diffuse for emotional support.
Massage into the reflex points of the feet, or over the pancreas to assist in balancing the body.
Emotional Balance
For emotional balance, I find that ylang ylang oil is best used either over the heart or aromatically (even inhaled directly from the bottle).
Massage 1-2 drops into the soles of the feet. Take a moment of stillness to just inhale the aroma and allow the body to relax into sleep.
Since fear happens in our heads, and wise action best comes from our heart, use ylang ylang essential oil over the heart to calm themind, open that energy center, and connect to a sense of trust.
Diffuse in the room or inhale from the bottle to help process and release grief.
Hair Loss
Massage one drop of ylang ylang oil into several drops of coconut oil and massage into the scalp before bed.
Heart Center/Chakra
Apply one drop over the heart center and lay in Yin Yoga pose, Saddle, or some other chest opening yoga pose for as long as needed. By far the best practice for balancing the heart center.
High Blood Pressure
Massage into the reflex points of the hands or feet, or directly over the heart to help in calming the autonomic nervous system.
Hormonal Balance
Use 1 drop aromatically or topically every day to help the body balance hormones.
Inhale directly from the bottle or place a drop in a paper bag to help balance the breathing.
Inner Child
When doing any inner child work, apply a drop to the heart or back of the neck, or use aromatically in any way.
Massage 1-2 drops into the soles of the feet or th eback of the neck.
Irritation (Emotional)
Massage 1 drop into the chest and take several moments to breathe and center yourself on the aroma.
Love (Lack Of)
Try a single drop over the heart daily, especially before meditation, to help to remove barriers of love and trust.
Low Libido
Diffuse throughout the room, massage into the feet or shoulders, or inhale from the bottle daily.
Apply a drop over the heart or inhale from the bottle as needed or daily for chronic palpitations.
Using a drop over the heart center and laying in a yoga pose that opens the chest is the best practice for opening the heart.
Diffuse throughout the room, apply a drop before bed or periods of rest, or add a drop to your hair or shirt collar to promote relaxation.
Diffuse throughout the room or massage a drop into the heart center to hel process and release emotions.
Massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet, or use a single drop in the hands and cup over your mouth and nose.
Apply to your own body and wrap your arms around the person in shock. Can also diffuse and/or apply topically to the body (wherever your intuition says).
Diffuse throughout periods of stress, use a perfume, and massage into the heart center.
Massage ylang ylang essential oil into the soles of the feet, or over the heart or upper back 1-2 times a day or as needed.
Massage a single drop into the muscle areas of tension; this will give you both the topical and aromatic benefits of ylang ylang essential oil.
Place a single drop in the palm of your hand and inhale for 30 seconds or as little or as long as you see fit.
Calendula - calendula officinalis
When looking for a herbal remedy to treat skin or wounds, think flower power -- or, more specifically, calendula. Its flowers, and occasionally its leaves, can be used to treat a variety of afflictions in different ways.
Calendula has a long history of use as a wound-healing and skin-soothing botanical. This lovely marigoldlike flower (although called pot marigold, it is not a true marigold) is considered a vulnerary agent, a substance that promotes healing. Calendula also has anti-inflammatory and weak antimicrobial activity. It is most often used topically for lacerations, abrasions, and skin infections; less commonly, it is used internally to heal inflamed and infected mucous membranes.
Uses of Calendula
Numerous topical preparations exist for external use. Calendula salve, for example, is a useful and versatile product to keep in the first-aid kit or home medicine chest. In addition to treating minor cuts and abrasions, the salve is great for chapped lips and diaper rash. You can use calendula teas as a mouthwash for gum and tooth infections, a gargle for sore throats and tonsillitis, and a sitz bath for genital inflammation or hemorrhoids. Or drink the tea to help treat bladder infections or stomach ulcers.
Calendula Preparations and Dosage
Most health food stores carry calendula soaps, oils, lotions, salves, and creams. Herb stores also supply bulk dried flowers, tincture, and calendula succus, which is made by extracting the fresh juice from the leaves and young flowers and preserving it with a bit of alcohol. Calendula succus is popular among naturopathic physicians, who use it during minor surgical procedures (to help heal the incision) and topically on skin wounds and infections. For internal use, take 1 teaspoon, three or more times daily.
Calendula Precautions and Warnings - Do not apply any fat-based ointments, including calendula salve, to wounds that are oozing or weeping; use watery preparations only, such as calendula tea, and allow the area to air dry completely between applications. On recently stitched wounds, wait until stitches have been removed and scabs have formed before applying calendula ointments or other calendula preparations. An exception would be a very brief and light application of calendula succus or tea applied without any rubbing or friction. Calendula should not be taken internally during pregnancy.
Clary Sage - salvia sclarea
Clary Sage oil is an essential oil derived from a steam distillation of the flowering plant. It's described as having a floral smell by some, but more herby by others, and is most often used to support the hormonal system (usually in women).
The typical properties of clary sage essential oil include:
Anticonvulsant . Antifungal . Antiseptic . Antispasmodic . Astringent . Nerve Tonic . Sedative . Soothing . Tonic . Warming
Clary Sage makes a huge impact on women's cycles, great for cramps, heavy periods, hot flashes, hormonal imbalances, and so on.
Also loved for many non-physical uses. It's an oil all about clarity, giving you the ability to see clearly what is muddled, or to look ahead with vision and clarity in the possibilities.
Because Clary Sage oil is an oil for dispelling confusion and illusion, it's often used on the brow and during meditation, contemplation, or creative work. It can help us see possibilities that we struggle to find when we're lost in our own heads or thoughts and need to tap into something deeper, and can bring light to dark places we're struggling to move through. It helps us to open ourselves to intuition and inner wisdom to be guided by a understanding that is both deeper within and further beyond us.
Precautions: Use with caution during pregnancy, especially during first trimester or over abdomen, since clary sage can cause uterine contractions. Not for infants or toddlers. Avoid during or after use of alcohol.
Apply 1-2 drops of clary sage a day to the arches of the feet or over the reproductive organs.
Use 1-2 drops daily on the soles of the feet or over the heart area. Use aromatically by inhaling form the bottle multiple times per day.
Use 1-2 drops daily on the soles of the feet or over the heart area.
Use 1 drop in the palms of your hands, and cup over the nose and mouth. Try this several times a day, especially when working on/through the issue at hand.
Rub 1 drop of clary sage oil over the brow as needed.
Massage into the neck or feet 2-3 times a day.
Cramps (Abdominal/Intestinal/Menstrual)
Apply 1-2 drops of clary sage a day to the arches of the feet or over the reproductive organs.
Rub 1 drop of clary sage over the brow as often as every 1-4 hours during creative work.
Apply 1 drop to the back of the neck or inhale directly from the bottle as often as you'd like (consider every 30 minutes).
Digestion (Weak)
Massage 2-3 drops of clary sage essential oil into the abdomen in a clockwise rotation several times a day or as needed.
Rub 1-2 drops over the brow and/or heart before meditation or periods of relaxation or inner work.
Consider inhaling directly from the bottle or hands, and applying 1-2 drops over the brow and throat.
Dysmenorrhea (Painful Periods)
Apply 1-2 drops of clary sage oil a day to the arches of the feet or over the reproductive organs.
Emotional Stress
Diffuse throughout the room during times of stress, inhale directly from the bottle as needed, or use 1 drop on the sole of each foot 1-3 times a day for ongoing support.
Massage 1-3 drops into the lower abdomen, up to 3x a day.
Consider applying one drop of clary sage essential oil to the base of the neck and one drop to the brow 2-3 times a day.
Estrogen Balance
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.
Consider inhaling directly from the bottle or hands, and applying 1-2 drops over the brow and throat.
Hair (Fragile)
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.
Inhale directly from the bottle for up to 60 seconds. Do this as often as you'd like. Also look into the suggestions for depression above.
Hormonal Balance
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.
Hot Flashes
Apply 1 drop to the back of the neck 1-3 times a day and 1 drop with each hot flash.
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.
Consider applying one drop to or around the infection site or on the soles of the feet.
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.
Apply 2-3 drops to the back of the neck before bed. Also consider massaging it into the feet (especially great for older children and adults).
Lactation (Increase)
Massage 2 drops into each breast, multiple times per day.
Use 1-3 drops of clary sage essential oil on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.
Mood Swings
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily, as well as using it aromatically (straight from the bottle or in the hands) as needed.
Muscle Fatigue
Massage 2-3 drops into the area of concern, going toward the heart.
Parkinson's Disease
Consider applying 2-3 drops to the back of the neck, and also to the soles of the feet.
Use 1-3 drops of clary sage oil on the soles of the feet daily and consistently throughout the month. Inhale from the bottle multiple times a day during your cycle.
Postpartum Depression
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently. Consider inhaling directly from the bottle multiple times a day, or diffusing throughout the room.
Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet, back of the neck, or lower abdomen daily and consistently.
Consider applying 2-3 drops to the back of the neck, and also to the soles of the feet.
Clary sage oil is especially good for skin issues that potentially result from hormone imbalances. Follow suggestions for hormone balancing above or consider adding 1-2 drops to your daily skin care.
Inhale directly from the bottle and rub 1-2 drops over the brow as needed.
Vision (Spiritual/Mental)
Inhale clary sage directly from the bottle or after rubbing into palms and rub 1-2 drops over the brow as needed.
Fennel - foeniculum vulgare
Fennel essential oil is known to be a potent and powerful aid for digestive health. It's strong licorice flavor and aroma is gained from the steam distillation from the crushed seeds of the plant. Its use traces back centuries for its emotional and physical benefits.
The properties within a quality brand of fennel oil include:
Antiparasitic . Antiseptic . Antispasmodic . Antitoxic . Diuretic . Expectorant
Although it's traditionally used for supporting the digestive system, it may also help the urinary, hormonal, and sympathetic nervous systems through its various chemical compounds and properties.
Emotionally and spiritually, fennel is said to support a person's responsibility (or confidence in their ability to respond). This means it might help a person struggling with self-doubt, low self-esteem, lack of motivation, accountability, or stubbornness, and help them live in alignment with their values and integrity. Historically, it was even used to bestow strength and courage to warriors, and may support stamina and longevity by strengthening the solar plexus.
Precautions: Dilute for children and sensitive skin. Avoid if you have a history of epilepsy. Use with caution during pregnancy. Repeated use can cause skin sensitization. Always test for skin sensitivity prior to widespread use. Keep out of eyes, ears, or nose.
Blood Clots
With your doctor's support, consider using fennel oil topically, internally, or aromatically using the many ideas listed below.
Gently massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern, diluting as needed.
Inhale from the bottle or diffuse throughout the room as desired. Massage into solar plexus.
Add 1-2 drops to water or food daily, or massage over the area of concern or reflex points of the feet.
Digestion (Slow/Sluggish)
Follow the instructions below for Digestive Support or add 1 drop to water, food, or an empty veggie capsule.
Digestive Support
Dilute 1 drop of fennel essential oil with 3 drops carrier oil and massage in a clockwise rotation over the abdomen.
Consider using daily or with meals, 1-2 drops internally as needed.
Add 1-2 drops to water daily or take in an empty veggie capsule. Also consider a digestive blend.
Hormonal Balancing
Consider massaging 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet, or inhaling the aroma from the bottle daily.
Massage 1 drop over the solar plexus and then inhale from the palm of the hand. Also consider diffusing regularly.
Kidney Stones
Massage 1-2 drops (diluted for sensitive skin) over the area of concern 1-2 times a day or as desired.
Lactation, Increasing
Dilute as recommended and apply 1-2 drops over the breasts. Do not use for more than 10 days, and avoid peppermint as it may slow milk production.
Liver Support
Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern or massage into the reflex points of the feet. Consider taking internally once a day.
Menstrual Cramps
Dilute as recommended and massage over the area of concern.
Diffuse throughout times of stress and overwhelm or add a drop to the shirt collar or car vent.
Inhale from the bottle. If possible, add a drop to water, mix well and sip slowly.
Place a drop in your hands and cup over the nose and mouth, or inhale from the bottle.
Pancreatic Support
Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern or into the reflex points of the feet.
Parasites, Intestinal
Take 1-2 drops with water each day. Also consider a digestive cleanse or use Oregano or Thyme.
Dilute fennel essential oil and ppply topically into the soles of the feet or over the lower abdomen or areas of concern before and during cycle.
Prostate Support
Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern or into the reflex points of the feet as desired.
Prostatic Hyperplasia, Benign
Dilute as recommended and massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet daily. Consider taking with food as well.
Place 1-2 drops on a cotton ball to stick in car, home, or office vents. Diffuse as desired or add a drop to your shirt collar.
Skin Revitalization
Add up to 1 drop of fennel essential oil to your cleaning or moisturizing regime.
Stomach Cramps
Dilute as recommended and massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet and lower stomach and back.
Place 1 drop on your hands, cup over the nose and mouth, and breathe deeply as desired.
Urinary Stones
Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern or into the reflex points of the feet. Consider taking 1-2 drops internally with food.
Add up to 1 drop of fennel essential oil to your cleaning or moisturizing regime.
Grapefruit - citrus paradisi
Grapefruit essential oil, a lesser known but very potent and therapeutic oil, is created by cold-pressing the rind to extract the oil. There's a reason grapefruit was a long-time weight loss fad. The oils in this fruit are incredibly beneficial in many ways.
The properties within a quality brand of this oil include:
Antidepressant . Antiseptic . Disinfectant . Diuretic . Stimulant . Tonic
These properties together have a huge appeal to anyone working to lose weight. This oil has been reported to increased your energy levels with its uplifting scent, giving you more energy and stamina and helping you increase your activity levels. It cleanses the system from the inside-out, perfect for anyone with a sluggish digestive system or a slow metabolism. And it increases your overall system, helping to return your body to its optimal health.
In addition to the physical support grapefruit offers, the emotional and spiritual support of this oil coincide beautifully. The aromatic effects include support of one's own sense of self-love and approval, especially in regards to loving and honoring our bodies. It can help a person hold their body in gratitude for all it does, treat it with honor and care, and therefore encourage healthy habits out of a sense of love, instead of self-hatred.
Likewise, as with all citrus oils, it has an uplifting aroma which may help with anxiety, bad moods, or stress, all of which impact our hormones and thus our weight. But it does so from a place of integrity and confidence, not self-loathing a belief we are not good enough as we are.
Precautions: As with all citrus essential oils, avoid contact with direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after use. Essential oils can cause skin irritation in some people, especially children or elderly. Is said to NOT interfere with prescription drugs (particularly statin drugs) that interact poorly with the fruit or juice of grapefruit, but it's still advised to consult with or notify your doctor.
Grapefruit aroma is said to help curve drug and food cravings and uplift the system. Try apply 1-2 drop topically over the stomach or back of the neck, or inhale from the bottle for an aromatic effect.
Said to help with feelings of self-approval and uplifting the mood, it also can increase a depressed appetite when used aromatically.
Appetite Suppression
Many lovers of grapefruit essential oil note that it curbs cravings and emotional eating or binge eating when used aromatically.
Said to help with feelings of self-approval and uplifting the mood, it also can increase a depressed appetite when used aromatically.
Cardiovascular Support
Add a drop to your lotion in the evening and massaging toward the heart.
Mix 1-2 drops with coconut oil and massage into the body in a kneading pattern every evening.
Stimulate the digestive system by adding a drop to water, or massaging over the abdomen.
Dry Throat
Add 1-2 drops in a cup of warm water and gargle, swallowing after. Use your own judgment on how frequently to try this. You might also consider adding a drop to a teaspoon of coconut oil and swishing it through the mouth, gargling, then swallowing or spitting out.
Increase your energy levels naturally by diffusing the oil or applying a drop over your chest.
Mix 1-2 drops of grapefruit essential oil with coconut oil and massage gently over the area and toward the heart. Repeat 2-3 times a day. Also considering taking several drops in water to stimulate the body's expulsion process.
Gallbladder Stones
Massage 1-2 drops directly over the area of concern, or into the soles of the feet. Consider also using DigestZen and Peppermint to support the digestive system.
Diffuse this oil or inhale from the bottle directly. It has a surprising effect on a hangover. Also ad 1-2 drop to every glass of water and be sure to double or triple your water intake for the next 2-3 days.
Jet Lag
Use grapefruit while traveling to help elevate your energy levels. Add it to your water bottles or inhale from the bottle.
Kidney Support
Help the urinary system by massaging the oil over your lower abdomen and back and adding to your water or smoothies.
Liver Disorders
Help the body cleanse by adding grapefruit essential oil to your water or smoothies and massaging directly over the liver.
Lymphatic Decongestant/Cleansing
Add a drop to your lotion and massage into the skin, starting at your hands and feet and moving massaging the heart.
Mental Stress
Diffuse throughout the room or rub through your hair to uplift the mind and create clarity and confidence. You can also use topically in lotion, a bath, or over your heart center or solar plexus.
Migraine Headaches
Especially good for migraines that come about from stress, try applying this oil topically or using in any aromatic way that isn't overpowering to the senses.
Exposure to grapefruit essential oil has been shown to decrease the appetite and help you lose weight. Use it aromatically throughout the day, especially during times of stress, and add several drops to each glass of water (this not only acts as a supplement, it flavors your water making you more likely to drink enough during the day).
Decrease binge eating and cravings by diffusing the oil as needed, inhaling directly from the bottle, or using as a perfume.
Performance Stress
Add to bath water, drop several drops in your water, diffuse, or massage over the solar plexus to balance the sense of self.
Add to a bath, place on the shirt collar or wrist as a perfume, or massage over the lower abdomen and solar plexus, as well as the soles of the feet to balance hormones.
Skin Cancer
Studies have shown a decrease in skin cancer with the consumption of grapefruit peels (where the oils are found). Add to your water daily, and consider massaging into the skin every evening, or over areas of high sun exposure (avoid direct sunlight afterwards though as this will ironically make your skin more photosensitive).
Diffuse this one during times of stress, add a drop to a cotton ball and leave in the car vent, and massage into the chest.
Sugar Cravings
Inhale grapefruit essential oil from the bottle whenever you're craving sugar, and considering taking as a dietary supplement 1-3 times a day by adding it to your water.
Eleviate the symptoms of withdraw by diffusing grapefruit essential oil or using it topically over the throat and neck.
Jasmine - jasminum gradiflora
Jasmine essential oil is a pricey and more rare oil to find. Most brands will sell their jasmine highly diluted in alcohol or carrier oil. In fact, if you find it for sale cheaply it's a pretty fair bet it's been highly diluted.
It has a sweet aroma (almost sickly sweet to some noses), very floral and stronger than the flowering plant itself. It's most commonly created by an "absolute extraction" of the flowers, a method of using a grain alcohol or hexane to extract the oils. This method is commonly used when the process of steam distillation would damage the oils. After processing, the hexane is removed or the grain alcohol is allowed to evaporate and you're left with only the oil itself.
This actually makes the term "essential oil" a misnomer when speaking of jasmine. The technical term would be "jasmine absolute", but for purposes of this article, I'm using the two terms inter-changeably.
The properties within a quality brand of this oil include:
Anticatarrhal . Antidepressant . Antispasmodic
Historically, jasmine has been used as a perfume and continues to be commonly applied in this way. However, it also has a positive and balancing effect on the hormonal system and the emotions. It may help a person open or move from their heart center, can be calming to a stressful or worried state of mind, and connect a person to their intuition, spiritual practice, and inner wisdom. In this way it may support a person's relationship with themselves and others.
Precautions: Although many high-quality brands may be "generally recognized as safe" for internal use by the FDA (21CFR182.20), I personally would NOT recommend using Jasmine Absolute internally in case of a sensitivity to any minute traces of the extracting solvent left behind. Always test for skin sensitivity prior to widespread use. Keep out of eyes, ears, or nose.
Diffuse several drops of jasmine essential oil throughout the room as desired.
Apply less than one drop to the wrists and back of neck.
Inhale from the bottle, or massage one drop into the back of the neck or over the forehead.
Massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet or over the lower abdomen.
Apply a small amount to the wrists or over the heart center.
Apply one drop over the throat and chest. Inhale from the bottle.
Massage 1 drop of jasmine essential oil over the forehead and back of the neck 1-2 times a day.
Dilute 1 drop with several drops of carrier oil and apply a small amount topically to the area of concern.
Emotional Balance
Place a dab of jasmine absolute in the hands, rub together, rub over the nose and mouth and inhale deeply.
Massage 1 drop oil over the forehead and back of the neck 1-2 times a day.
Hoarse Voice
Massage a small amount over the front of the neck.
Place a dab of jasmine absolute in the hands, rub together, rub over the nose and mouth and inhale deeply.
Massage 1 drop or less into the back fo the neck or soles of the feet to help calm the nervous system.
Apply a small amount over the forehead, back of the neck, or heart center.
Massage 1 drop of jasmine absolute over the heart center as desired.
Menstrual Support
Massage 1-2 drops of jasmine essential oil over the lower abdomen to relieve cramps, or support hormonal balance.
Add a couple drops to a steam tent, or massage over the area of concern.
Muscles Spasms
Dilute with a carrier oil and massage into the area of concern to help calm the muscles.
Place a dab of jasmine essential oil in the hands, rub together, rub over the nose and mouth and inhale deeply.
Dab a small amount on the wrists, neck, or over the heart as desired.
Pink Eye
Never put any oils in the eye. Instead carefully massage a small amount jasmine around the eye, or play it safe by massaging into the reflex points of the feet.
Dilute your jasmine essential oil/absolute with a carrier oil and apply topically over the area.
Add 1-2 drops toa bath, diffuse through a room, or massage into tense muscles.
Respiratory Congestion/Support
Massage 1 drop into the chest and throat as desired.
Sensitive Skin
Apply a small amount of diluted jasmine absolute over irritated skin.
Skin Issues
Dilute as needed and apply a small amount over the area of concern.
Place a dab of jasmine essential oil in the hands, rub together, rub over the nose and mouth and inhale deeply.
Massage a small amount over the forehead to calm the mind and nervous system.
Lavender - lavandula angustifolia
Pure Lavender oil is an incredible essential oil to use for your own health and wellness. It's among the gentlest of essential oils, but also one of the most powerful, making it a favorite of households for the healing properties and uses of lavender essential oil.
The properties within a quality brand of lavender oil include:
Analgesic . Anticoagulant . Anticonvulsant . Antidepressant . Antifungal . Antihistamine . Anti-infectious . Anti-inflammatory . Antimicrobial . Antimutagenic . Antiseptic . Antispasmodic . Antitoxic . Antitumor . Cardiotonic . Regenerative . Sedative
Truly pure oil will have a sweet floral smell first, with only a slight woody, herbaceous undertone. Other than the numerous physical effects it has (below) it promotes well-being, peace, compassion, grounding and centering and spiritual consciousness.
Lavender is said to be the oil of honest communication and expression. It calms a racing mind, allowing a person to settle into their heart and speak with gentleness and kindness. It also eases anxiety or fear, including fears of rejection, and allows a person to feel present, calm, and engaged in healthy ways. It increases a sense of security and peace, and in this way helps to build trust in one's self and others.
Because of lenient industry standards and a lack of regulation on terms such as "natural" or "pure", much of what you find at the drug store is not a therapeutic grade of essential oil and may actually make you sick. In fact, only about 50% of it needs to be actual essential oils to be called "pure"!
Agitation or Anxiety
Apply topically by itself or in a carrier oil to the chest, soles of the feet or top of the head to calm agitation or anxiety. Or use aromatically by adding it to a bath.
Use topically alone or in a carrier oil on allergic skin reactions or apply to the chest or soles of feet for seasonal allergy support. You can also diffuse or inhale for more systemic support.
Appetite (Increase)
Appetite loss due to stress, depression or illness may be increased by using it aromatically.
Uses for lavender essential oil include aromatically or topically to the chest support a steady heartbeat.
Use aromatically to support heart health.
Blisters and Boils
Apply topically (with or without a carrier oil, depending on skin sensitivity) directly to the site.
Massage topically (with or without a carrier oil, depending on skin sensitivity) to soothe tenderness, swelling, engorgement, etc.
Bug Bites
Apply topically (with or without a carrier oil, depending on skin sensitivity) directly to the site.
Bug Repellant
Apply topically to the body help repel gnats, mosquitos and midges.
Pure lavender oil has long been used for healing burns. Apply directly to the site, or use in a very light, non-greasy carrier such as aloe, immediately and every few hours while healing
Whether you're stressed, overwhelmed, angry or otherwise, lavender oil can be used aromatically or topically to calm nerves and emotions.
Apply topically (with or without a carrier oil, depending on your skin sensitivity) directly over the site. Also use aromatically to promote well-being.
Chicken Pox
Used topically over the pox pure lavender oil can help soothe itchy skin and promote faster recovery this viral infection.
Cold Sores
Dilute 1 drop of lavender to 10-15 drops of coconut oil and apply directly to the cold sore.
Concentration (Distraction)
Lavender can help you to feel more grounded and focused, helping you concentrate and think clearly when used aromatically throughout the room or home, or just on your body.
Use topically to help soothe the nervous system and support balance in the body.
Crying (Uncontrollable)
Uses of lavender essential oil for its calming and soothing effects can help balance overwhelming emotions in healthy ways.
Apply lavender topically to aid in healing and prevent infection.
Apply topically for its antifungal properties (dandruff is often caused by a fungal/yeast infection) and to soothe dry, irritated skin and balance pH levels on the skin
Depression (including Postpartum)
Apply topically, diffuse in the air (or inhale directly), or take internally as described above.
Use with a carrier oil and massage toward the heart to increase the lymphatic system.
Diabetic Sores
Can assist in preventing gangrene and other infections with is anti-everything properties when used topically.
Diaper Rash
I recommend testing for sensitivity first on a less tender area of the body. Dilute 10 drops of lavender oil to 1 TB carrier oil. More or less can be tested carefully.
Apply topically to the reflex points for the urinary system, over the lower abdomen and on the soles of the feet.
Dry Lips
Dilute 1-2 drops in 1 tsp of coconut oil and apply to the lips as needed.
Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Pain)
Apply directly to the lower abdomen, over the reflex points of the feet (heels and ankles) as needed.
Uses of lavender essential oil topically will promote relaxation and restfulness, as well as grounding and balance.
Can be applied topically to assist the body in fighting infection and increase immune response.
Apply topically to the area of concern to help increase immune response and tissue health.
Can be taken internally as described above, or applied topically to the entire abdomen in a clockwise motion.
Use pure lavender oil topically over the small intestines or take internally to fight parasites.
Apply topically or use aromatically to assist the grief process and provide a centering, grounding effect on the spirit.
Hair (Dry, Fragile, or Loss)
Use topically on your hair, either added in your shampoo, or add approx. 15-20 drops to 10 oz purified water to soak follicles and scalp.
Hay Fever
Apply topically to the skin (chest or reflex points) to be absorbed into the body, calming the nervous system and increasing the immune response.
Herpes Simplex
Pure lavender oil and its antiviral properties may heal outbreaks when used topically.
Diffuse in the air or apply topically to the chest or reflex points of the hands or feet for a calming, grounding effect.
Uses of lavender essential oil include applying topically to impetigo sites to fight infection, soothe skin irritation and aid in healing.
Use topically to soothe inflamed cells, fight infection and promote a faster immune response to healing.
Whether mild or sever, lavender oil increases relaxation response of the nervous system when used topically or aromatically. You can also place 1-2 drops on your pillow.
Whether from an allergic reaction, a big bite or an unknown cause, using lavender topically can help soothe the nervous system.
Jet Lag
Used topically, it can assist in a grounding feeling and promote deep relaxation.
Dilute 4 drops of oil in 1 tsp of carrier oil and massage gently into breast tissue.
Apply topically over the lower abdomen, chest and soles of feet or diffuse aromatically to assist in balancing hormones.
Mental Stress
Diffuse in the air or apply to the reflex points of the feet (toes and beneath), to the chest and the top of the head.
Misc. When in doubt, try lavender!
Mood Swings
Diffuse pure lavender oil in the air or inhale directly for at least 30 seconds as needed.
Massage several drops into the areas of pain gently. Gentle massage also has the benefit of overriding pain signals to the brain.
Physical Stress
Whether physical exhaustion, overuse, strain or otherwise, gently massage several drops of lavender into the areas of concern.
Poison Ivy/Oak
Apply topically with or without a carrier oil as recommended for your skin type, and as needed while healing to decrease itching and prevent infection.
Use topically as needed to prevent infection, decrease itching, increasing soothing and relaxation and assist the body's healing response.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Massage into the areas of pain, as needed.
Apply pure lavender oil to the site several times a day until the ringworm clears.
Can be used aromatically or topically as a natural sedative.
Apply topically to the chest and reflex points on the bottom of feet to help calm the systems of the body.
Skin (Dry, Sensitive, Eczema, Psoriasis, etc)
For severe areas, apply 1 drop or pure lavender oil directly to the skin. Dilute as needed depending on severity and sensitivity.
Stress/Tension (General)
Diffuse in the air, inhale directly or apply topically to the chest or reflex points of the feet.
Stretch Marks
May help prevent stretch marks, as well as decrease appearance of existing stretch marks. Massage into the skin as desired.
Combine 1-3 drops pure lavender oil with each teaspoon of pure aloe vera and massage into the affected areas. (We usually see incredibly fast results from this combination!)
Use aromatically and apply to the reflex points of the feet and across chest to promote heartbeat regularity.
Teeth Grinding
Uses of lavender essential oil include topically across jaw to relax the muscles and promote tension release.
Teething Pain
Apply 1-2 drops to a teaspoon of carrier oil and apply to the gums. You can also add a couple drops of lavender to a cup of water, wet a washcloth with the solution, freeze and allow the little one to gnaw on the frozen cloth.
Pure lavender oil can help fight the fungus that causes thrush when applied topically.
Apply directly to the site to fight infection, prevent Lyme disease and promote healing.
Ulcers (Legs or Varicose)
Apply topically to the site to prevent infection and promote healing.
Use lavender aromatically or topically to help ground and balance.
Apply pure lavender oil topically or take internally as indicated.
Wounds (General)
Apply topically as indicated to prevent infections and increase healing.
Massage gently into skin as indicated, avoiding contact with eyes. (You can use around eyes, but be careful not to get it IN the eye.)
Other possible uses of lavender essential oil include: Healing from abuse, hernia, post-labor, other sleep issues, withdrawal, aphrodisiac, acne, cramps, indigestion, lowering blood pressure, abscess, nausea, PMS, scarring, water retention, bruises, balance/centering/grounding, bronchitis, earaches, fainting or dizziness, headaches, high blood pressure, hives, flu, laryngitis, mucus, respiratory function, sunstroke, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, whooping cough and cough in general (by gargling a few drops of pure lavender oil in purified water).
Basically, pure lavender oil is so universal in its properties and uses that when in doubt, choose lavender.
Neroli - Citrus Aurantium
This is one of the most popular essential oils, as it not only has great therapeutic properties, but also has the most incredible smell. It has a greatly relaxing effect on the body and mind, relieving muscle spasms, calming heart palpitations and has a wonderful rejuvenating and regenerative effect on the skin, helping to prevent ugly scarring and fighting stretch marks.
Neroli oil has a sweet, floral and slightly haunting aroma, the color is pale yellow and the viscosity is watery.
Care must be taken when buying neroli oil, as many suppliers adulterate the oil to increase their profits, as it is a strong smelling oil and even when diluted still has the most incredible smell.
It is also known as 'orange blossom' and it takes about 1000 lbs. of orange blossoms to make 1 lb. of Neroli oil. The name is said to have originated from the Italian princess, Anne-Marie de la Tremoille (Countess of Nerola) who used the oil as a perfume and to scent her bathwater and gloves. It is still an ingredient for making traditional smelling eau-de-cologne.
Orange petals are often associated with marriage, purity and brides, as brides traditionally wore orange buds in their hair.
Roman Chamomilla - anthems nobilis
Roman chamomile essential oil has been used throughout history for multiple uses (outlined below). Ancient Romans used the oil for mental clarity and courage during war. And it's said to be nicknamed the "plant's physician", because it supposedly benefitted any nearby plants as well.
The properties of this oil include:
Anti-infectious . Anti-inflammatory . Anti-parasitic . Calming . Relaxing
Chamomile of most varieties have been used for centuries to calm and prepare you for a restful sleep, making it a popular oil (or tea) to use before bed.
Spiritually, it's also said to support a person who is seeking their purpose or struggling with feeling of purposelessness. It can help one to overcome discouragement, disappointment, or hopelessness, and find clarity and focus on the things that bring meaning to their lives and the lives of others. It's thought to soften one's Ego in order to tune into their own intuitive center for inner guidance, in order to hear one's wisdom speaking louder than one's own fears or unhelpful patterns.
Emotionally, it brings about a sense of calm and peacefulness, which can often be closely related to a person's ability to lean into trust, release any need to create drama, and promote serenity in all areas of life.
Precaution: Dilute and use with caution on children or anyone with sensitive skin.
Diffuse through the home before allergy season begins and throughout. Use on the bottom of the feet, and inhale directly when allergies flare up.
Bee/Hornet Stings
Apply a single drop topically to the area, or dilute with coconut oil and massage into the area.
May soothe the area and promote healing when gently massaged around the bruise.
Inhale directly or through steam (such as a bowl of hot water). Massage into the reflex points of the feet.
Roman chamomile is generally gentle enough for children and even infants. Dilution may be needed, or limit use to aromatic only. Can help calm, ease aches and pains (including ear or stomachaches), fight fevers, soothe colic, and possibly even help with toothaches.
Club Feet
Massage into the reflex points of the feet to reduce pain and inflammation.
Cuts, scrapes, etc
May reduce inflammation and promote healing. Add to the bath water, dilute and massage over the area, or use a hot or cold compress.
The earthy aroma can be very grounding to our emotions. Diffuse in the area, inhale directly, or add a drop to your pillowcase or bath water.
Roman Chamomile is thought by many to support healthy liver function. Massage directly over the liver or into the reflex points of the feet.
Massage into the reflex points of the feet and into the abdomen to reduce inflammation and stomach pain.
Use aromatically or topically on the soles of feet daily for a calming, centering affect on the mind and body.
Use aromatically, topically or even add a drop to your chamomile tea for a more potent way to bring about rest.
Add a few drops to your bath water, or shirt collar. Massage a drop across the back of the neck.
May help calm the endocrine system when used topically. Massage into feet daily, or rub a drop on the back of the neck.
Muscle Spasms, Cramps, Tension, etc
Massage into the area with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil.
Nerve pain, inflammation or fatigue
Use during a full body massage, or along the muscle groups affected by the nervous system. Rub into the base of the head and across the reflex points of the feet.
May help in treatment of parasites by massaging into abdominal area for fastest absorption into the blood stream, or massages into the reflex points of the feet. Can also be taken internally, such as added to a tea or even in capsules.
Roman chamomile essential oil is very soothing to irritated skin. Add 3-4 drops into a teaspoon of carrier oil and massage into the area 1-2 times a day.
Restless legs
Massage into the legs and feet to soothe the nervous and muscular systems.
The anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties of roman chamomile essential oil aids in soothing the sciatic nerve. Massage into the low back and hips and down the leg of concern, as well as into the reflex points of the feet and hands.
The oil can help calm and balance the mental and emotional processes. Use aromatically or topically as you see fit.
Skin (dry, acne, boils, dermatitis, eczema)
Add roman chamomile essential oil to your lotion, or use a very small amount of essential oil mixed with coconut oil for skin care.
Whether it's physical soothing of the body, including skin, or emotional and mental soothing, use the oil aromatically or topically as you see fit.
Stress, Anxiety, etc
Can have a very soothing, calming, and comforting affect when used aromatically or topically according to preference.
Rose - rosa damascena
True, unadulterated, and pure rose essential oil is hard to find. In almost all cases you will find a highly diluted oil, usually no more than 5% rose oil in a base of oil (or even alcohol). This is because of the high cost of extracting rose, an oil extraction through the steam distillation of its petals. (Did you know it takes 12,000 petals to produce one single 5ml bottle of rose oil??) Despite these obstacles it's still a highly coveted and much loved oil, both for it's aroma and its benefits.
The properties within a quality brand of this oil include:
Antihemorrhagic . Anti-infectious . Aphrodisiac . Sedative . And more being found
Rose has traditionally is most commonly used for emotional balance and skin health, however throughout history rose oil uses have ranged from anything digestive to menstrual, including infections, heart health, and more.
Emotionally and energetically, rose oil benefits the heart as well. It's said to have the highest vibrational frequency of any other oil, and opens ones heart and soul to love and spiritual connection. In this way it may help a person dealing with fear, stress, or hard-heartedness, and even help to heal relationships with one's self and others.
NOTE: The aroma is very strong, and a quality brand will be very potent. Even though it's safe to use undiluted (neat), if your rose essential oil is not diluted you may choose to do so to stretch it further. As little as 1 drop in several tablespoon still imparts a strong aroma; a minimum ratio is generally 1:3 rose to carrier oil.
Precautions: Use with caution during pregnancy. Dilute for children. Always test for skin sensitivity prior to widespread use. Keep out of eyes, ears, or nose.
Dilute to your liking and massage a drop over the heart center daily or as desired.
Add 1-2 drops to a diffuser to fill a room, place in a pendant to carry with you, or inhale from the palm of your hands.
Dilute to your preference and massage over solar plexus, heart, and reflex points of the feet.
Consider adding several drops of rose essential oil to a small spritz bottle to spray pillows, clothing, etc.
Colon Cancer
One study found that rose oil uses may include decreasing the cell proliferation of cancer cells.
Rose oils benefits the limbic system when used aromatically. Consider massaging a small amount over the heart daily.
Digestive Support
Dilute a drop or less with several drops of a carrier oil and massage over the abdomen in a clockwise rotation.
Hair Health
Add 1-3 drops to your shampoo bottle or homemade shampoo and wash normally.
Massage a small amount of rose oil over the heart center (chest) and the reflex points of the feet each morning.
Massage into the area of tension or pain for soothing. Also consider a blend for headaches
Obviously seek medical attention first. To support the body, massage 1 drop of diluted rose essential oil into the reflex points of the feet or hands.
Consider adding several drops of rose essential oil to a small spritz bottle to spray pillows, clothing, etc.
Love (Open To)
Rose oils benefits the limbic system when used aromatically. Consider massaging a small amount over the heart daily, inhaling from the hands afterward.
Consider adding several drops of rose essential oil to a small spritz bottle to spray pillows, clothing, etc.
Menstrual Support
Massage a small amount into the lower abdomen, over the back of the neck, and into the reflex points of the feet and hands daily.
Nervous System Support
Diffuse as desired, inhale from cupped hands, or massage a diluted drop (or less) into the reflex points of the feet daily.
Rose oils benefits the limbic system when used aromatically. Consider massaging a small amount over the heart daily, inhaling from the hands afterward
Poison Ivy/Oak
Mis one drop of rose essential oil with one drop of lavender to 1-2 TB of carrier oil and apply to the area. Consider adding peppermint to help relieve any itching or burning.
Postpartum Depression
Rose oils benefits the limbic system when used aromatically. Consider massaging a small amount over the heart daily, inhaling from the hands afterward, or diffusing as desired.
Add one drop of rose oil to 1-2 TB of carrier oil and apply topically the area as desired. (Consider the suggestions above for poison ivy.)
Apply a small amount (diluted if desired) to the area of concern, such as a healing wound, 1-2 times a day. Consider creating a blend with helichrysum essential oil as well.
According to some studies, rose oil may support a person who suffers from seizures. Consider applying daily to the brain stem.
Skin Disease
Follow the recommendations below for Skin Health, customizing for your particular scenario.
Skin, Dry
Dilute 1 drop of rose essential oil in 1-2 teaspoons raw coconut oil and apply 1 drop nightly.
Skin Health
Use rose oil topically as indicated. Dilute as desire or as necessary.
Diffuse as desired, inhale from cupped hands, or massage a diluted drop (or less) into the reflex points of the feet daily.
Place a small amount of diluted rose essential oil in the palm of the hands and breathe deeply for 30 seconds or more.
Dilute 1 drop in 1 TB of coconut oil and apply topically as desired.
Dilute one drop and apply topically over the area of concern or into the reflex points of the feet.
Withdrawal, Drugs
According to some studies, rose oil benefits have been shown to support the withdrawal process of strong drugs, such as morphine.
Follow the suggestions above for Ulcers.
Dilute 1 drop per 1-2 teaspoons of raw coconut oil, and apply 1-2 drops of the mixture to your skin each night before bed.
Ylang Ylang - cananga odorata
Ylang ylang essential oil is one of my favorite oils. Although it's often only thought of as only a nice-smelling oil, the physcial and empotional support ylang ylang can offer is much more than just a room deodorizer.
Ylang ylang oil is said to work with the cardiovascular system, endocrine and hormones, as well as supporting emotional and spiritual balance.
The properties include:
Antidepressant . Antiseptic . Antispasmodic . Sedative . Tonic
Many of these properties and the potential uses for ylang ylang are those that closely link the body to the emotions or the mind, showing very clearly the min-body connection and how Nature can help our body find balance as a whole.
On a strictly emotional and spiritual level, ylang ylang essential oil is truly the oil of the heart. It can help us connect to our own heart, process things from the heart, and heal emotional traumas. It's also thought to be the oil of the inner child, helpig us connect to our own sense of inner joy and being in the moment, as children so easily do. This allows us to play, release bottled up emotions, and move back into our sense of trust in the process of Life.
It helps us get out of our heads and into our hearts.
The aroma of ylang ylang is very sweet and floral, but almost heavy or intoxicating. Historically, it's said the original wild flower actually had no aroma at all.
Precautions: Always test for skin sensitivity prior to widespread use. Keep out of eyes, ears, or nose.
Place one drop in the palm of your hand and cup over the nose and mouth. Also consider diffusing in the room.
Diffuse in the room, inhale from the bottle, add a drop to your lotion, or even apply to the shirt collar.
Use 1 drop of ylang ylang essential oil in a massage, or diffuse in the room. Can also be used as a perfume.
Massage a single drop daily over the heart. Start out with once a day and increase as needed.
Massage into the shoulders or back, apply to the feet, or use aromatically to promote peace.
Dilute one drop in a teaspoon of carrier oil and massage into the baby's feet. Also consider diffusing throughout the day and night.
Apply one drop over the heart before confrontations, conversations, or meditation to open the heart center.
Ylang ylang essential oil can help to release stuck emotions by opening the heart center. Apply to the heart or diffuse for emotional support.
Massage into the reflex points of the feet, or over the pancreas to assist in balancing the body.
Emotional Balance
For emotional balance, I find that ylang ylang oil is best used either over the heart or aromatically (even inhaled directly from the bottle).
Massage 1-2 drops into the soles of the feet. Take a moment of stillness to just inhale the aroma and allow the body to relax into sleep.
Since fear happens in our heads, and wise action best comes from our heart, use ylang ylang essential oil over the heart to calm themind, open that energy center, and connect to a sense of trust.
Diffuse in the room or inhale from the bottle to help process and release grief.
Hair Loss
Massage one drop of ylang ylang oil into several drops of coconut oil and massage into the scalp before bed.
Heart Center/Chakra
Apply one drop over the heart center and lay in Yin Yoga pose, Saddle, or some other chest opening yoga pose for as long as needed. By far the best practice for balancing the heart center.
High Blood Pressure
Massage into the reflex points of the hands or feet, or directly over the heart to help in calming the autonomic nervous system.
Hormonal Balance
Use 1 drop aromatically or topically every day to help the body balance hormones.
Inhale directly from the bottle or place a drop in a paper bag to help balance the breathing.
Inner Child
When doing any inner child work, apply a drop to the heart or back of the neck, or use aromatically in any way.
Massage 1-2 drops into the soles of the feet or th eback of the neck.
Irritation (Emotional)
Massage 1 drop into the chest and take several moments to breathe and center yourself on the aroma.
Love (Lack Of)
Try a single drop over the heart daily, especially before meditation, to help to remove barriers of love and trust.
Low Libido
Diffuse throughout the room, massage into the feet or shoulders, or inhale from the bottle daily.
Apply a drop over the heart or inhale from the bottle as needed or daily for chronic palpitations.
Using a drop over the heart center and laying in a yoga pose that opens the chest is the best practice for opening the heart.
Diffuse throughout the room, apply a drop before bed or periods of rest, or add a drop to your hair or shirt collar to promote relaxation.
Diffuse throughout the room or massage a drop into the heart center to hel process and release emotions.
Massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet, or use a single drop in the hands and cup over your mouth and nose.
Apply to your own body and wrap your arms around the person in shock. Can also diffuse and/or apply topically to the body (wherever your intuition says).
Diffuse throughout periods of stress, use a perfume, and massage into the heart center.
Massage ylang ylang essential oil into the soles of the feet, or over the heart or upper back 1-2 times a day or as needed.
Massage a single drop into the muscle areas of tension; this will give you both the topical and aromatic benefits of ylang ylang essential oil.
Place a single drop in the palm of your hand and inhale for 30 seconds or as little or as long as you see fit.